Rent Tour Guide Whisper System
Are you a tour guide and would you like to add more quality to your tours? Consider renting a Tour Guide Whisper System that allows your travelers to wander off and take pictures while listening to the interesting information and stories you are sharing. Moreover, it makes walking with a group in a busy city more safe and convenient, because without difficulty or the need to raise your voice your travelers can hear you instructions clearly. The tour guide uses a transmitter and the travelers the receivers.
Useful specifications
- Integrated battery system
- Range of 150 to 200 meter
- 100 different channels
- Weighs 50 grams and fits easily in a pocket

Our prices are per day and are excluding 21% vat/tax and costs for delivery and pick-up. Someone of our team will bring the set to you, so that you can check that everything is there. After the rental period the set is picked up again. The set can also be picked up in Hilversum for free. For delivery and pick-up we charge € 0,43 per kilometer, calculated to/from Hilversum. For delivery and/or pick-up in Amsterdam City Center and Schiphol Airport an additional € 10 is charged for parking. We do not hand-over the set to third parties such as bus companies or reception desks.
Set A: 1 transmitter and 20 receivers, € 75
Set B: 2 transmitters and 30 receivers, € 102
Set C: 2 transmitters and 40 receivers, € 120
We charge € 100 per receiver or transmitter that is missing or returned damaged. Credit card details are requested as deposit for missing or damaged items.
We always pick up the set to check if the set is complete and undamaged. Therefore the set cannot be shipped back again.
Renting the system
To inquire about availability and/or to make a reservation you can fill out below form or send us an email. We then send you an offer with an invoice. At a secured payment-page you can complete your reservation by settling the invoice so your booking is guaranteed (you can also transfer the funds directly). You don't have to do anything if you do not wish to book the set; your reservation expires automatically after four business days.
Interested in renting a whisper system?
Please fill out this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.